Welcome to the Brand Health Survey for Marketing Leaders. This comprehensive survey is designed to help you assess the overall health and performance of your brand in today's competitive market landscape. By focusing on key metrics that span both brand perception and demand generation, this survey provides a holistic view of your brand's standing and effectiveness.

The goal of this survey is to equip marketing leaders with actionable insights into their brand's strengths and areas for improvement. By regularly evaluating these metrics, you can:

  1. Gauge your brand's visibility and resonance with your target audience
  2. Understand how well your marketing efforts are translating into tangible results
  3. Identify trends in brand perception and customer behavior
  4. Pinpoint areas where your brand may be underperforming
  5. Make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategies

This holistic approach, covering both brand and demand metrics, is crucial because it addresses the entire marketing funnel. Brand metrics like awareness and sentiment focus on the top of the funnel, capturing how well you're attracting and engaging potential customers. Demand generation metrics, such as conversion rates and qualified leads, address the middle and bottom of the funnel, showing how effectively you're turning interest into action. By examining both sets of metrics together, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your brand's performance at every stage of the customer journey. This allows you to identify bottlenecks, optimize your strategies across the entire funnel, and ultimately drive better business results.

This survey consists of 10 carefully selected questions that cover crucial aspects of brand health, including awareness, sentiment, customer acquisition, loyalty, and demand generation. By analyzing your responses to these questions, you'll gain a clearer picture of where your brand stands and where you should focus your efforts for maximum impact.

We recommend conducting this survey periodically (e.g., quarterly or bi-annually) to track your brand's progress over time and adjust your strategies accordingly. Remember, the most valuable insights often come from observing trends and changes in these metrics, rather than from a single data point.

Let's begin assessing your brand's health!

  1. Brand Awareness: On a scale of 1-10, how familiar is your target audience with your brand?
  1. Brand Consideration: What percentage of your target audience considers your brand when making a purchase decision in your category?
  2. Share of Voice: What percentage of industry conversations or mentions does your brand capture compared to competitors?
  3. Brand Attributes: What are the top 3 attributes your target audience associates with your brand?
  4. Brand Sentiment: How would you rate the overall sentiment towards your brand in public discussions and reviews (positive, neutral, negative)?
  5. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): What is your average cost to acquire a new customer?
  6. Conversion Rate: What percentage of leads or prospects convert into paying customers?
  1. Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs): How many marketing qualified leads does your brand generate per month?
  2. Net Promoter Score (NPS): How likely are your customers to recommend your brand to others on a scale of 0-10?
  3. Brand Loyalty: What percentage of your customers are repeat buyers?